Welcome to Metro411 Radio!

We're doing some remodeling right now - please be patient

Groove to the good times with Metro 411 Radio, your online escape to decades of musical magic! Dive into vibrant vinyl vibes from the 70s, pulsate with the synth-soaked 80s, get down with the grunge glory of the 90s, and feel the pulse of today's hottest hits – all mixed seamlessly into one smooth soundtrack for your day. 

Metro 411 isn't just about the nostalgia trip! Tune in for "Retro 80's Weekend," where host Dean Fettes helps us relive radness of the 80s. Every day, let the National Day Calendar surprise you with quirky holidays and fascinating historical tidbits.   Visit our Programs page to see our schedule

So, ditch the dial and click on Metro 411 Radio – where the past, present, and future groove together in perfect harmony! We're more than just a radio station, we're a community united by good music, good vibes, and the good times that never fade. Join us and rediscover the power of a timeless tune!

Broadcasting from Granbury, Texas 24/7!

Be sure to "pop out" the music player so you can continue listening while you view our website.

Click here to see other local weather.  If you're listening, be sure to "pop out" the music player so you can continue listening while you view our website.

Local weather sponsor:  Pool-Tex LLC Maintenance and Repair, Granbury, TX
